Continuing on with a series of EMDIAG commands that I find useful, today we’re going to look at the repvfy show score_card. You may also want to review the previous post on repvfy diag all.
One of the main functions of repvfy is the verify function (i.e. repvfy verify -details -level 9). This goes through a long list of checks to identify areas you might need to investigate. This could be anything from Agents with Clock Skew to Expired User accounts.
Now there’s a scorecard (show score_card) that reads the output of the verify log and will summarize the category of errors that were found, and a generate a score based on the weight, number of tests and number of violations. This can help you in tracking improvements as you work through any cleanup and issues.
repvfy show score_card (also try score_card_details)
Category Score #Tests #Viol
————————- —— —— ——
Best Practice 81.59 6 780
Configuration 21.64 20 2298
Data Integrity 25.09 29 2793
Monitoring/Operations 60.71 23 886
————————- —— —— ——
The output of show score_card_details will give the breakdown by category (Best Practice, Configuration, Data Integrity, Monitoring/Operations) and Module (Targets, Agents, etc) along with the test to run (i.e. repvfy verify targets -test 6002).
Note: The sample output below has been modified and shortened to fit the blog.
$ repvfy show score_card_details
Category Rank Module ID Test Score #Viol
BP 1 TARGETS 6002 OMS mediated targets without backup Agent 10.0 639
BP 2 AGENTS 6006 Deployed Agent plugins lower than OMS plugin 6.6 106
BP 3 REPO 6039 Newer version avail for deployed OMS plugin 1.1 9
BP 4 REPO 6005 Tables with locked statistics 0.3 23
BP 5 JOBS 6006 Job steps running more than two hours 0.3 2
Using the repvfy verify -details will help you identify targets to investigate. Some tests have automated fixes that can be run with repvfy verify <module> -test <test#> -fix. Other issues may have manual steps or suggestions, some may require opening an SR with Oracle Support. After fixing issues, rerun the full repvfy verify -level 9 and regenerate the score card to track your progress!